大会主席:吴林志教授 哈尔滨工程大学
耿林教授 哈尔滨工业大学
副主席:冯吉才教授 哈尔滨工业大学
王福会教授 东北大学
杨院生教授 中国科学院金属研究所
林江海研究员 山东省机械工程学会
梁秀兵教授 军事科学研究院
刘婷婷教授 南京理工大学
顾冬冬教授 南京航空航天大学
卢一平教授 大连理工大学
叶金蕊常务副秘书长 中国复合材料学会/北京理工大学
杨守峰教授 哈尔滨工程大学
主任:赫晓东教授 哈尔滨工业大学
副主任:陈玉勇教授 哈尔滨工业大学
林均品教授 北京科技大学
王克鸿教授 南京理工大学
林峰教授 清华大学
李俐群教授 哈尔滨工业大学
秦高梧教授 东北大学
林鑫教授 西北工业大学
曹剑武教授 北京理工大学
谭华教授 西北工业大学
Gleb Turichin教授 圣彼得堡国立海洋科技大学
Konovalov Sergey教授 西伯利亚国立工业大学
委员:李金国 荆涛 张德良 沈平 倪丁瑞 宋晓国 何春年
李志强 陈豫增 辛社伟 李瑞迪 宋波 王兵 赵吉宾
宗贵升 江亮 邢飞 张明涛 孙中刚 杨光 洪长青
黄瑞生 孙杰 鲁守银 方玉诚 王福德 Sergey Panin、OlegBashkov Evgeny Prusov
主任:姜风春 黄陆军
副主任:王海泉 杨飘萍 陈海龙 乔竹辉 张尚洲 景财年 陈晶磊
委员:王秦辉 李峻青 王君 张中武 巫瑞智 佟运祥 牛建民 解维华
许承海 杨卓青 胡平 高正江 果春焕
秘书:张宇 李海新 石齐民 董涛 陈祖斌 范海洋 杨振林
王坤 祝宇航 张国阳 王玉敏 刘广印
01 金属材料
分会主席:卢一平 张中武
分会场秘书:李海新 15725422032(同微信)
杨振林 15853232358(同微信)
02 非金属材料
分会主席:曹剑武 王兵
分会场秘书:张贺新 18645106806(同微信)
王坤 17854227942(同微信)
03 复合材料
分会主席:黄陆军 解维华
分会场秘书:张宇 14745155541(同微信)
祝宇航 13806400710(同微信)
04 增材制造
分会主席:杨守峰 林峰
分会场秘书:石齐民 13222086933(同微信)
范海洋 15893184924(同微信)
张国阳 18336856386(同微信)
05 连接成形
分会主席:李俐群 宋晓国
分会场秘书:陈祖斌 17685838171(同微信)
王玉敏 18363821656(同微信)
06 数字化制造加工
分会主席:刘婷婷 荆涛
分会场秘书:董涛 15201202647(同微信)
刘广印 15665726339(同微信)
会议 |
日期 |
上午 |
下午 |
2023先进材料与成形智造技术国际会议 |
9月8日 |
会议代表注册 |
9月9日 |
开幕式及大会报告 |
分会交流 |
9月10日 |
分会交流 |
分会交流 |
报名日期 |
非学生代表 |
学生代表 |
8月10日前 |
1800元 |
1000元 |
8月10日后 |
2200元 |
1400元 |
账号:3504 0188 0000 8984 8
联系方式:张贺新 18645106806;张宇 14745155541;
李海新 15725422032;石齐民 13222086933


哈尔滨工程大学 哈尔滨工业大学 中国复合材料学会
Registration Form for Participants
Work Place 工作单位 |
Name 姓名 |
Title/Position 职称/职务 |
Telephone/Email 电话邮箱 |
Tile for Report 报告题目 |
Passport information *** |
1.If you confirm to attend the conference, please fill out and mail this questionnaire:AMIMT2023@hrbeu.edu.cn如果您确认参会,请填写报名表,并邮件发到以下邮箱:AMIMT2023@hrbeu.edu.cn
2.***To use this form, please send a scanned copy of the front page of your foreign passport for processing entry documents and visas.随本报名表请附护照首页扫描件,用于办理入境文件和签证。
Template forAMIMT2023Abstract
(18Point, Centred and Bold, Times New Roman)
A.Author1, B. Author2,C. Author3
(List of authors in 10point, centred and bold: the presenting authorunderlined.And ifpossible,pleaseprovidetheChinesenamefor all authors.)
1- The author affiliation and full address should be located here in 8point, centred and in italics
2- Address of author2if different
3- Address of author3if different
Main author email address: in 10point, centred and in italics
The abstract must be written in English. The abstract will be distributed in a printed booklet and an electric file on an access-controlled Web site.In order to provide a uniform and consistent appearancetoabstract prior to publication in theabstract book,it is very important to ensure thatyour abstract followthe style guide presented in this template.Abstract should not exceed one page in length. The dimension of the paper isA4 size paper:210mmx297mm. Margins should be25.4mmon all sides, and the text should be writtenin10 pointTimes New Roman(and Symbol, if necessary).
A couple of Figures/Tables may be includedto the abstract.Large figures should be centredas shown in the Figure 1, and small ones may be placed side by side. In all cases, the figures must be located completely inside the paper margins. Figure captions, in 8 pt, should be positionedincentre below the figures as shown inFigure 1.Table captions, alsoin 8 pt, should be positioned centredabove thetables.

Figure1Captions in8 pointform. (a) The figure, as well as each axis coordinates and titles must be large enough to be easily read. (b) Any micrographs being used should have very good contrast in order to ensure proper visibility.The font of text in the figures should be Arial (and Symbol, if necessary), or the characters are completely part of the picture as (b).
All references shouldnumberedand appear at the end of the abstract in the same order as used in the text. The font should be the sameasthe main body of the text but with an 8 pt size. Reference should be aligned to the left. In the main body of the text, the reference designation should be with square brackets [1], and several references can be included together using a comma [2, 3]. If three or more consecutive references occur together, a dash is to be used [1-3].
Theabstractmust besubmittedin aWORDformat.The quality of figures should be enough for printing.
[1] A. Author andB. Author, Title of paper, Journal Name, vol., pp.startpage-endpage, (year).
[2] A. Author, B. Author, C. Author, Title of paper, Journal Name, vol., pp. start-end, (year).
[3] A. Author, Title of book (Publisher), Chapter, (year).
Notification of 2023 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology
The“2023 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology (AMIMT2023)”, jointly organized by Harbin Engineering University(HEU),Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)and Chinese Society for Composite Materials(CSCM) and supported by the project of the International Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Science and Technology, will take place in Yantai, China on September 8-10, 2023. AMIMT2023 dedicates to promoting theintegrated developmentandengineeringapplicationin the area ofadvanced materials and structural design integration, forming and manufacturing integration,intelligenceand digitalization. The conference aims tocreate a high-levelplatformforacademic exchange and achievement transformationtowardsinternationalscholars.
The conferencefocuses onattractingstate-of-the-art research in Metallic Materials, Non-metallic Materials, Composite Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Joining and Forming, Digital Manufacturing and other correlation domains. Over the course of 3 days, internationally renowned speakers willbe invited toshare viewpointsand exchange topics on the frontiers and hotspots in the field ofadvanced materials, intelligent manufacturing and the transformation & upgrading of industries. The attending experts and industry partners will also provide a fantastic networking experience. Yantai in September is the most dazzling city in China with an excellent climate and unparalleled hospitality. All speakers as well as our (potential) sponsors, and partners are warmly welcome!
1. Organization
Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of science and technology
Main organizers:
Harbin Engineering University (HEU)
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
Chinese Society for Composite Materials(CSCM)
Yantai Huang-Bohai New Area Management Committee
CollegeofMaterials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University
Yantai Research Institute, Harbin Engineering University
Yantai University
Industry-university-researchBase(Yantai), ShandongJianzhuUniversity
Shandong Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Green Manufacturing at Yantai
Supported by:
Commission of Industry and Information Technology of Heilongjiang Province
Shandong Mechanical Engineering Society
ShandongCharmRayLaser Technology Co., Ltd
3D Printing Technology, Inc
BeijingAvimetalAm Tech Co., Ltd
Xi'anSailongAM TechnologiesCo.,LtdNanjingZhongkeRaychamLaser Technology Co., Ltd
ShandongRunchangInstrument Co., Ltd
NCS Testing Technology CO., Ltd
2. Organizing Committee of Conference
Chairmen:Linzhi Wu,Professor, Harbin Engineering University
Lin Geng,Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
Vice Chairmen:Jicai Feng,Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
Fuhui Wang,Professor,Northeastern University
Yuansheng Yang,Professor,Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jianghai Lin, Chairman of the Board, Shandong Mechanical Engineering Society
Xiubing Liang, Professor,Academy of Military Sciences
Tingting Liu, Professor,Nanjing University of Science&Technology
Dongdong Gu, Professor,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Yiping Lu, Professor,Dalian University of Technology
Jinrui Ye,Deputy secretary general,Chinese Society for Composite Materials/Beijing
Institute of Technology
Shoufeng Yang, Professor, Harbin Engineering University
Academic Committee:
Xiaodong He, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
Deputy Director:
Yuyong Chen, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
Junpin Lin, Professor,University of Science and Technology Beijing
Kehong Wang, Professor, Nanjing University of Science & Technology
Feng Lin, Professor, Tsinghua University
Liqun Li, Professor,Harbin Institute of Technology
Gaowu Qin, Professor, Northeastern University
Xin Lin, Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University
Jianwu Cao, Professor,BeijingInstitute of Technology
Hua Tan, Professor,Northwestern Polytechnical University
Gleb Turichin, Professor,St. PetersburgState Marine Technical University
Konovalov Sergey, Professor, Siberian State Industrial University
Committee:Jinguo Li,Tao Jing,Deliang Zhang,Ping Shen,Dingrui Ni,Xiaoguo Song,
Chunnian He,Zhiqiang Li,Yuzeng Chen,Shewei Xin,Ruidi Li,Bo Song,
Bing Wang,Jibin Zhao,Guisheng Zong,Liang Jiang,Fei Xing, Mingtao Zhang,
Zhonggang Sun,Guang Yang,Changqing Hong,Ruisheng Huang,Shouyin Lu,
Jie Sun, Yucheng Fang, Fude Wang, Sergey Panin,Oleg Bashkov,Evgeny Prusov
Working Committee:
Director:Fengchun Jiang,Lujun Huang
Deputy Director:Haiquan Wang,Piaoping Yang,Hailong Chen,Zhuhui Qiao,Shangzhou Zhang,
Cainian Jing,Jianglei Chen
Committee:Qinhui Wang,Junqing Li,Jun Wang,Zhongwu Zhang, Ruizhi Wu,
Yunxiang Tong,Jianmin Niu, Weihua Xie,Chenghai Xu,Zhuoqing Yang,
Ping Hu,Zhengjiang Gao,Chunhuan Guo
Secretary General:Hexin Zhang
Secretaries:Yu Zhang,Haixin Li,Qimin Shi, Tao Dong, Zubin Chen, Haiyang Fan,Zhenlin Yang,Kun Wang,
Yuhang Zhu,Guoyang Zhang,Yumin Wang,Guangyin Liu
Academicians to be invited:
The list of domestic and foreign academicians is pending confirmation……
3. Parallel sessions
There will be six sessions. Please contact the session secretary to apply for a session presentation and submit a presenter information form.
01 Metallic Materials
Chairmen of Parallel session:Yiping Lu and Zhongwu Zhang
Secretary of Parallel session:Haixin Li, 15725422032(Same as WeChat)
Zhenlin Yang,15853232358(Same as WeChat)
02 Non-metallic Materials
Chairmen of Parallel session:Jianwu Cao and Bing Wang
Secretary of Parallel session:Hexin Zhang,18645106806(Same as WeChat)
Kun Wang,17854227942(Same as WeChat)
03 Composite Materials
Chairmen of Parallel session:Lujun Huang and Weihua Xie
Secretary of Parallel session: Yu Zhang, 1474515541(Same as WeChat)
Yuhang Zhu,13806400710(Same as WeChat)
04 Additive Manufacturing
Chairmen of Parallel session:Shoufeng Yang and Feng Lin
Secretary of Parallel session:Qimin Shi, 13222086933(Same as WeChat)
Haiyang Fan,15893184924(Same as WeChat)
Guoyang Zhang,18336856386(Same as WeChat)
05 Joining and Forming
Chairmen of Parallel session:Liqun Li and Xiaoguo Song
Secretary of Parallel session:Zubin Chen,17685838171(Same as WeChat)
Yumin Wang,18363821656(Same as WeChat)
06 Digital Manufacturing
Chairmen of Parallel session:Tingting Liu and Tao Jing
Secretary of Parallel session:Tao Dong, 15201202647(Same as WeChat)
Guangyin Liu,15665726339(Same as WeChat)
4. Conference schedule
Abstract Submission:August20, 2023
Conference Date:September8-10, 2023
Conference Venue:YantaiBajiaowanInternational Convention & Exhibition Center
Conference |
Date |
A.M. |
P.M. |
2023 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing Technology |
9.8 |
Registration of Conference Delegates |
9.9 |
Opening Ceremony & Conference Report |
Communication of Parallel session |
9.10 |
Communication of Parallel session |
Communication of Parallel session |
5. Invite investment to participate in the exhibition
Booths will be set up at the conference venue during the conference to provide exhibitors with opportunities for communication and cooperation such as title sponsorship, technical exhibitions and conference publicity. We sincerely invite relevant companies and institutions to participate.
Contact information:HexinZhang, 18645106806(Same as WeChat)
6. Register for the conference
Registration Date |
Non-student representative |
Student representative |
Before 8.10 |
1800 yuan |
1000 yuan |
After 8.10 |
2200 yuan |
1400 yuan |
Account Name:BeijingSanuoCareer Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Account opening bank:China Everbright Bank CO., Ltd,Beijing Xuanwubranch
Account Number:3504 0188 0000 8984 8
★The fee includes admission to the conference, a full set of conference materials, lunch and refreshment breaks, but does not include accommodation. Accommodation can be booked via the following website. (tobe added)
7. Participation
Invited presentations:presentation takes30 minutes
Oral presentations:presentation takes15 minutes;
Audience: Conference registration, no presentations, access to questions and exhibition
8. Conference Information
Conference website:http://console.csfcm.org.cn:8088/tjcms//wwwroot/AMIMT/index.shtml
Conference Email:AMIMT2023@hrbeu.edu.cn
Contact information:HexinZhang, 18645106806;Yu Zhang, 14745155541;
HaixinLi, 15725422032;QiminShi, 13222086933
Conference Group QR Code:
Mobile appilcation QR code

Conference Wechatgroup administrator QR code

Harbin Engineering University |
Harbin Institute of Technology |
Chinese Society for Composite Materials |
Please add remarks:unit、title、name
May 9, 2023
Registration Form for Participants
Work Place 工作单位 |
Name 姓名 |
Title/Position 职称/职务 |
Telephone/Email 电话邮箱 |
Tile for Report 报告题目 |
Passport information *** |
1.If you confirm to attend the conference, please fill out and mail this questionnaire:AMIMT2023@hrbeu.edu.cn如果您确认参会,请填写报名表,并邮件发到以下邮箱:AMIMT2023@hrbeu.edu.cn
2.***To use this form, please send a scanned copy of the front page of your foreign passport for processing entry documents and visas.随本报名表请附护照首页扫描件,用于办理入境文件和签证。
Template forAMIMT2023Abstract
(18Point, Centred and Bold, Times New Roman)
A.Author1, B. Author2,C. Author3
(List of authors in 10point, centred and bold: the presenting authorunderlined.And ifpossible,pleaseprovidetheChinesenamefor all authors.)
1- The author affiliation and full address should be located here in 8 point, centred and in italics
2- Address of author2if different
3- Address of author3if different
Main author email address: in 10point, centred and in italics
The abstract must be written in English. The abstract will be distributed in a printed booklet and an electric file on an access-controlled Web site.In order to provide a uniform and consistent appearancetoabstract prior to publication in theabstract book,it is very important to ensure thatyour abstract followthe style guide presented in this template.Abstract should not exceed one page in length. The dimension of the paper isA4 size paper:210mmx297mm. Margins should be25.4mmon all sides, and the text should be writtenin10 pointTimes New Roman(and Symbol, if necessary).
A couple of Figures/Tables may be includedto the abstract.Large figures should be centredas shown in the Figure 1, and small ones may be placed side by side. In all cases, the figures must be located completely inside the paper margins. Figure captions, in 8 pt, should be positionedincentre below the figures as shown inFigure 1.Table captions, alsoin 8 pt, should be positioned centredabove thetables.

Figure1Captions in8 pointform. (a) The figure, as well as each axis coordinates and titles must be large enough to be easily read. (b) Any micrographs being used should have very good contrast in order to ensure proper visibility.The font of text in the figures should be Arial (and Symbol, if necessary), or the characters are completely part of the picture as (b).
All references shouldnumberedand appear at the end of the abstract in the same order as used in the text. The font should be the sameasthe main body of the text but with an 8 pt size. Reference should be aligned to the left. In the main body of the text, the reference designation should be with square brackets [1], and several references can be included together using a comma [2, 3]. If three or more consecutive references occur together, a dash is to be used [1-3].
Theabstractmust besubmittedin aWORDformat.The quality of figures should be enough for printing.
[1] A. Author andB. Author, Title of paper, Journal Name, vol., pp.startpage-endpage, (year).
[2] A. Author, B. Author, C. Author, Title of paper, Journal Name, vol., pp. start-end, (year).
[3] A. Author, Title of book (Publisher), Chapter, (year).