“学萃讲坛”第734期--Anti-Icing Materials International Laboratory,and Designing Icephobic Coatings: From Superhydrophobicity to Icephobicity


报告题目:Anti-Icing Materials International Laboratory,and Designing Icephobic Coatings: From Superhydrophobicity to Icephobicity

报告人:Jean-Denis Brassard




The Anti-icing Materials International Laboratory (AMIL) is an icing research laboratory affiliated with the Université du Quebec à Chicoutimi (UQAC), located in the City of Saguenay in the Province of Quebec, Canada. AMIL is a team of scientists and technicians who specialize in the study of icing phenomena. Their aim is to solve icing problems and minimize their inconveniences. AMIL’s infrastructure includes two icing wind tunnels and five climate chambers where various types of icing precipitations can be simulated. AMIL’s facilities are particularly well adapted to run small-scale setups under highly controlled freezing conditions.Over the past ten years, AMIL have extended our expertise to the evaluation of icephobic coatings under controlled icing conditions. Using coatings with icephobic properties could be the “miracle” solution. This presentation proposes a complete definition of icephobicity in line with the ice adhesion test methods used. The general way to assess this property is described using a holistic approach, the first step of which is a screening test campaign with many different candidate coatings evaluated in terms of their adhesion reduction factor (ARF). The relevance of this factor is also discussed. Further tests are recommended, after the best candidate coatings are identified, in an extensive test campaign performed under simulated icing, and outdoor conditions prevailing in the real environment of the targeted application. Finally, a specific example of a test campaign in which the icephobic coatings are exposed to Arctic offshore conditions is presented.Nearly perfect spherical shaped water drops rolling-off from the surface of lotus leaf is one of the beauties of nature. This kind of surface is called superhydrophobic, since the water does not like it. Physically, a superhydrophobic surface provides a contact angle (CA) of water over 150°.


简.丹尼斯.布拉萨尔(Jean-Denis Brassard)博士,现为加拿大国际防冰材料实验室(Anti-icing material international Laboratory)专职研究员(research scientist),其毕业于加拿大希库蒂米魁北克大学,获哲学博士学位,长期从事流体防冰、机场与甲板防冰、结冰过程模拟和厌冰涂层研究,曾获加拿大金属协会(MetSoc)颁发的2017年度最佳学术论文奖,2015年Joseph-Armand基金会奖;以第一(通讯)作者发表学生论文50余篇,被SCI他引240余次,担任多个国际期刊的编委和特邀审稿人,并多次担任国际会议的主持人和召集人。

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