“学萃讲坛”第598期--Data-centric Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Future Directions
主题: Data-centric Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Future Directions
报告简介:Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are the integration of networked smart devices, which sense, reason about and actuate the physical world. The talk will present some of the recent research on cyber-physical systems, from autonomous system, to monitoring individual or collective human activities, and analyzing the unprecedented volume of sensor and pervasive data. In the future, cyber-physical systems, won't be confined to boxes (PCs, smartphones, etc.), but will be embedded in all types of artefacts, including our homes, cars and public spaces, evolve as they work alongside us to rely less on human assistance but more on computational intelligence, and finally become dependable and reliable.
报告人简介:温宏凯博士现任英国华威大学(QS世界排名Top 50)计算机科学学院助理教授。他于同济大学获得学士学位,牛津大学获得博士学位,并在牛津大学完成为期三年的博士后研究工作。他的研究兴趣包括物联网、无人车和无人机的定位,普适数据科学以及智能感知系统等。温博士在顶级会议CVPR,AAAI,SenSys,EWSN,ICRA,ICDE以及顶级期刊IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing(TMC)、IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(JSAC)发表数十篇论文,并于2013年和2014年分别获得顶级会议EWSN和IPSN最佳论文奖。另外,他还是Navenio公司创始人之一。